Anpanman Wiki

Shiratama-san  (しらたまさん) is a character in the Anpanman anime. Shes an famous actresses inspired by those of the Takarazuka revue. Shes also named after shiratama dango, often used in fruit salads (and presumably is one as well). In the Tubi dub her name is Sheila

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official webisite discription[]

A top star who travells around in search of new plays and dances. ♪ White, that's the color of a shiratama~♪. She's very good at sining and dancing.


Shiratama-san is one of the most human looking characters in the show (trough not one as the show does not have humans). She has a white face, blue eyes and a short blond hair. She's often seen wearing a dark purple top hat with pearls, a purple tuxedo with a big red bowtie with perals on its sleeves and dark blueish purple shoes. Trough she changes her oufts for plays; Her most comon role is that of "prince Shiratama", who's oufit consists of a red hat with an yellow feather, a cyan and blue suit, white gloves, a white cape, a red belt with a sword and cyan and blue boots. Originaly as prince Shiratama her hair would change to black (likely a reference to princess Safire from princess kingth, who probably inspired Shiratama's prince persona)


Shiratama-san is dramatic and over the top. She always introduces herslef with a grandiose music number, and can be quite unpredictable at times, often involving random pepole in her plays regardless of their acting skils, wich is unfortune for poor Anpanman. When shes bothered by something/uninspired, such as when she was no ideias for a play she often says in a very dramatic maner 'O clouds, O wind, O sun".



Shiratama-san often involves Anpanman in his plays, despite his stage frigth; Shiratama-san however always encourages Anpanman to do his best.


Shiratama-san does not see Baikinman as a vilan, but as an amazing actor. She's somewhat fascinated by him and always trys to involve him in her plays, especialy to play vilan roles.


Shiratama-san is inspired by actresses of the Takarazuka revue; A female only theater company where both male and female roles are played by woman. All indicates that Shiratama-san is an Otokoyaku (male role actresses) but she's seen playing female roles sometimes.

She shares a voice actresses with prince Block, a guest charcter from the 1992 movie "secret of the buling block castle'.

She stars in a movie short from 2004 caled "Tsukiko to Shiratama: Tokimeki dancing" alongside her asistent Tsukiko, who we are introduced to in this short.
