Anpanman Wiki

Omusubiman (おむすびまん) is a character in the Anpanman anime. He's a rice ball headed waderning ronin (masterless samurai) who travels around helping those in need. He's often seen with his disciple Komusubiman.

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 15-08-48 【アンパンマン人気ランキング】1〜50位まで☆ アンパンマン おもちゃ アニメ バイキンマン ばいきんま(..

official webisite discription[]

A very strong hero of justiçe who traviles travels around many lands. He just can't see someone in trobule. He uses umeboshi to defat bad guys.


Omusubiman has a triangular rice ball for his head, dot eyes, rosy cheeks and a pink round nose. He wears brown traditonal japanese clothing, brown zoris (a type of sandal) and a greyish blue cape. Hes also often seen wearing a round straw hat.

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 11-51-46 饭团人🍙回来咯~ 关注我❤️,每日更新一集。 -面包超人 -面包超人动画片 -童年经典动画片 -动漫 -童年动画 - 西瓜视频

Omusubiman heard a shrieks from Butterko

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 11-56-49 饭团人🍙为谁回来呢?😏 关注我❤️,每日更新一集。-面包超人动画片 -面包超人 -童年经典动画片 -经典动画片推荐 -动漫 - 西瓜视频

Omusubiman thanking Anpanman for saving him

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 14-55-59 アンパンマン 2012 ⑦ - 動画 Dailymotion
Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 15-05-59 アンパンマン 2012 ⑦ - 動画 Dailymotion

Omusubiman with Komusbiman


As a samurai omusbiman is very reserved and calm, he has a very strong sense of justiçe and wil always help anyone he finds in danger. Like a good samurai should he follows the principles of "bushido" (justice, bravery, compassion, courtesy, honesty, honor, loyalty and selfcontrol)



They where inplyed to be in a long distançe relationship, with Omusbiman bringing her gifts and writing letters to her. However this relationship hasnt been brought up in a while.


He is omusbiman's young disciple, often seen together Omusbiman teaches young Komusbiman the ways of a samurai, as a master should.


Omusubiman was so popular that he got his own spin off series of books and shorts. Said series is only vaguely related to the Anpanman franchise.

Like Anpanman, Shokupanman, Currypanman and Tendonman Omusbiman has a female voice acresses. However, unlike them Omusubiman does not sound like a young boy but like a old lady.

Strangely, his theme song "Lunlun omusubi benevolence" (ルンルンおむすび仁義) isnt sang by his voice acresses nor by Dreaming but by Shino Yanagi.

He does have an offical Tubi dub name; Omusubi, however we only know this name because of the full english verson of 'Yuuki rin rin" as he only shows up as a background character in the movies that where dubed so far, so his name isnt said.

Acording to the Q&A section of the official Website is unkown what kind of filling Omusubiman and Komusbiman have, however its inplyed to be umeboshi (pickled plums).

In the Anpanman musical "Fly! Anpanman; Anpanman and Omusbiman" Omusbiman is actuly the alter ego of the star child and space princess Lunlun Nanda, wich inspired both the star child Lunlun from episode 2B "Anpanman and Currypanman" and also princess Nanda Nanda from the 1989 movie "The tear of the sparkling star" in which Omusbiman does play a role in. This musical is also where his theme song came from.
