Anpanman Wiki
Anpanman Wiki
Olavio de Carvalho



First Appearance

Movie 3 - Fly! Fly! Chibigon (broadcast order) Ep159A - Anpanman and Horrorman (chronologically)

Voiced By

Kaneta Kimotsuki (1991-2016)
Kazuki Yao (2017-present)



Horrorman (ホラーマン) (骷髅人) is the tertiary antagonist in the Anpanman anime. He usually lives with Baikinman as he loves Dokinchan, however he dosn't always go along with their villanous ways. His late voice actor, Kaneta Kimotsuki had passed on due to pneumonia at age 80 on the 20th October 2016.

official website description[]

He may look scary but he's actuly easy to be taken advantage of. He loves Dokinchan. He trys to learn from many pepole, but things dont tend to go well. He was a bone boomerang in his chest.


Horrorman is a skeleton wearing a long, tattered purple shirt with a pair of crossed bones on the chest. He has protruding kneecaps and cheekbones, and a mouth that is always showing his teeth (much like Kama midshipman).


Horror man is very happy-go-lucky and clumsy. He enjoys being nice to others, however he doesn't seem to care about hurting their feelings either.

He enjoys scaring people, although that rarely happens when he wants it to due to his usual goofy nature. He usually manages to scare people by pure accident, but when he purposefully tries to scare someone, it ends in failure.


He's obsessed with Dokinchan, and is constantly running around picking flowers and finding food to suit her needs in vain attempts to impress her.

Abilities and Powers[]

The bones on his shirt can be taken off and thrown as boomerangs.


He first appeared in the "tobe Anpanman" comics

His frist animated aprience was in the 1991 movie "soreike! anpanman tobe tobe chibigon" as chibigon's mentor but he soon became part of she show's cast.

He is one of the few recurring undead characters in the Anpanman series, as there are some other undead characters. (They are not named due to the immense amount of characters)
