Anpanman Wiki
Anpanman Wiki
Episode 2 A & B

2A Eng Name

Ep. 2A: Anpanman and Baikinman

2A Jap Name

Ep. 2A: アンパンマンとばいきんまん

2B Eng Name

Ep. 2B: Anpanman and Currypanman

2B Jap Name

Ep. 2B: アンパンマンとカレーパンマン

Air Date

Oct 10, 1988

EP 2A: Anpanman and Baikinman (アンパンマンとばいきんまん)[]


We see Baikinman traning to defeat his sworn enmy Anpanman. Baikinman later powers up with thunder. Then we cut to Anpanman who was patroling as usual but sundenly some weird black coulds apeared near the bakery and he went to check on uncle Jam. Uncle Jam was feeling unwell and so where Butterko and Cheese,Anpanman too started feeling unwell. Turns out that those coulds where a byproduct of Baikinman's schemes,and he made the coulds evan bigger. Anpanman then decides that hes gonna bake the bread himself since the others wherent feeling well to do so but both the dough and the oven are filed with mold and Kabirunruns. Butterko sugests that the mold and the Kabirunrun are coming from the black coulds and Anpanman goes to check them out. He finds Baikinman amongst the clouds and trys to atack him, but Baikinman doges and used one of his inventions to punch Anpanman who fell down from the coulds. We then see three rabbit children playing with their unicycles, they then fell down due to the inpact of Anpanman's fall. then they find Anpanman unconscious and full of bumps. Anpanman soon awakes but is unable to fly back home since he's wounded and his cape is thorn apart, but the rabbit children helped him using their unicycles to make a bike so Anpanman can go back home safely. We later cut to Baikinman eating what seams to be doughnuts or biscuts of some sort happy because he thinks he defeated Anpanman. Afterwards we see Anpanman coming back to the bakery and uncle Jam decides that he's gonna make a huge head for Anpanman to defeat Baikinaman. He does so and Anpanman becomes "giant Anpanman" and goes to defeat Baikinman but not before he breaks the bakery's roof. Anpanman uses his new giant head to stear the coulds away and then to defeat Baikanman who falls from the coulds. The sun his shining once more and Anpanman invites the rabbit children to eat bread at the bakery.


  • Anpanman
  • Baikiman
  • Uncle Jam
  • Butterko
  • Usako
  • Pyonkichi
  • Usao
  • Cheese


This episode is adaptation of the Anpanman book of the same name that marks Baikinman's first appearance. Said book was also adapted in the 1984 pilot from the "ohanashi" series. The plot is pretty much the same with evan some smilar imagery but while the 1984 verson is a one to one recreation of the original book the 1988 verson made some changes and aditions.

Lots of animation was reused both form episode 1 and this very episode.

EP 2B: Anpanman and Currypanman (アンパンマンとカレーパンマン)[]


Anpanman was flying around when he heard someone crying. Turns out Baikinman was harassing a star child. Anpanman helps the star child but Baikinman shot him whit one of his wepons and started licking and spining around Anpanman with his big blue tounge. But sundenly Baikinman feels something in his tounge: It was spicy curry! Baikinman ran around desperately and soon the responsable for this showed up: A new bread super hero! He introuced himself as Currypanman. Baikinman then ran away after currypanman threatened to spit even spicyer curry in his tounge. Anpanman then introduces himself to Currypanman who says he's too "Sweet" (note: in japanese sweet mosty means naive) to be a strong figther. Currypanman later asks Anpanman who made him wich Anpanman replys that uncle Jam made him. Currypanman then says "uncle Jam? no way!" The star child, who introduced himself as Lunlun was hungry and so both Anpanman and Currypanman offered a piece of this façe and curry respectivly. Lurun ultimately ended up choosing Currypanman's curry rice wich Anpanman seamed a bit disapoited with it but he didnt seam to mind very much too. Currypanman and Lunlun then go to the star children's ship, Lunlun informs his frends that Currypanman is gonna make some curry rice to them. We then cut to the bakery where Anpanman (aprently and supposedly) told uncle Jam and Butterko about what happend and they decide to make some currypans and anpans for the star children. Afterwards we cut to Currypanman making curry rice to them. Then we see Anpanman flying around to see if there are any problems, then we immediately cut to Baikinman holding another one of his inventions, this one in particular was ment to suck the curry in currypanman's mouth making him powerless wich he does so. Baikinman secided to also suck the star children. But Anpanman then shows up, Baikinman trys to suck him and shoot him with curry but Anpanman defeated him whit his Anpunch. Baikinman's invention ended up on his mouth that got filed with curry, he then was carried by the wind. Anpanman then took the poweless and flat Currypanman to the bakery in wich it was revealed to him that he too was made by uncle Jam.Then we cut to the star children eating the anpans and currypans uncle jam baked. The episode ends with the star children going back to space.


  • Currypanman
  • Anpanman
  • Uncle Jam
  • Baikinman
  • Buttako
  • Cheese
  • Lunlun


This was the very frist time Anpanman used his "Anpunch" in the anime. Though he said the atack's name with a diferent intonation than he usualy does.

In this episode is stated that uncle Jam made Currypanman wich is also true in one of the versons of the manga. But since this was never brougth up again and his charter song says "no one knows where he came from" this may or may not have been retconed.

Lunlun is based on a character with the same name and nearly same look from the 'Fly! Anpanman; Anpanman and Omusbiman" musical, however he differs in some detals, in that musical Lunlun was confirmed a girl, being a princess and such, this verson of Lunlun is more gender ambiguous but can be assumed to be male.
