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Anpanman Wiki
Sleeping Akachanman



First Appearance


Voiced By

Eriko Chihara (current)
Yuri Amano (former)







Akachanman (あかちゃんまん) is a minor character from the Anpanman anime.

Official Webisite Discription[]

They may be a tiny baby but they're very strong. They cry when hungry or tired. They love milk and are very close to Milkboy.


Akachanman is a cute little baby that wears a headgear, cape, and baby clothing. They have pink cheeks are similar to Butterko's. Due to being a baby, they are often accompanied by Anpanman. They are also accompanied by Milk Boy who warns them about Anpanman and in friends in danger.


Akachanman often gets hungry for drinking milk and gets weakened before fighting Baikinman or his allies and also lose their power to fly and move (similar to Anpanman). After they drink with their bottle, their stomach feels better, gets strong again, until they are ready to fight Baikinman. Due to being a baby, they are often accompanied by Anpanman. They are also accompanied by Milk Boy who warns them about Anpanman and in friends in danger.


Because of way she gets hungry by not drinking milk, milk gives her power. She also can lift very heavy things, like big rocks for example. Just like Anpanman, Shokupanman, and Currypanman, she can also do punches and kicks (i.e. Akachan-punch)


Akachanman often gets hungry for drinking milk before fighting Baikinman (or his allies) and also lose its power to fly and move. After it drinks milk, it stomach feels better, gets strong again, until they're ready to fight Baikinman.


  • Akachanman's gender has been a point of debate for over 30 years. The way Akachanman speaks isn't particularly masculine or feminine, and the Japanese language doesn't really use third person pronouns, leaving their gender non-binary. Though their name indicates they're male the official Anpanman website has no answer to this question simply saying Akachanman is "a cute and tiny baby".
    • They often ends their sentences with "de-chu", a variation of "desu" but with ch istead of S since they're a baby.
    • Their catchphrase "babu" is Japanese for "goo goo ga ga" which was the way babies speak.
  • Their name derived from "akachan" (赤ちゃん) which translates to "baby".
  • They have a song of their own called "Akachanman's Adventure" (あかちゃんまんのぼうけん ) that can be heard here.
    • The song is also heard in Anpanman and his Fun Friends (アンパンマンとゆかいな仲間たち).
  • Akachanman is one of the few characters who never had an English voice provider in the Tubi English dub.
  • Akachanman originated from another picture book by Takashi Yanase, in said book Akachanman looked very diferent and most notably had little to no hair.
  • They do have a mother that we hear offscreen in Anpanman and his Fun Friends; That was the only time we heard their mother and saw their home.


